Get the most out of your cattle
<== We are currently in the process of updating these How-To PDFs. If you need help please call Elsie on 0427993779 or email genomics@blackboxco.com.au
<== We are currently in the process of updating these How-To PDFs. If you need help please call Elsie on 0427993779 or email genomics@blackboxco.com.au
Find out how easy it can be to use a TSU to take a DNA sample for genomic evaluation.
Find out how to create a single sample submission for those one of genomic tests.
Learn how to activate your genomics account and gain access to the FREE genomics portal where you can view results, order tests and create custom bundles.
Learn how to upload your DNA samples to the genomics submission portal, how to customise test bundles and how to track testing form postage to results.
Learn how to use the individual GBV spreadsheet to select your bottom performing male and females from you herd.
Find out how to use the individual GBV spreadsheet to select top genetics for multiple traits in your herd.
Learn how to use the individual GBV spreadsheet to make powerful and informed decisions on your livestock.
One of the most powerful pieces of information you get from investing in GBVs is the herd profile report which enables you to rank you herd against the population for 8 different traits. Here we explain how the profile works, what the colours mean and the data set behind it.