A few terms used in the world of genomics…
Genomics: Analysing the genotypes to produce meaningful and useful information, aka GBVs, which indicate the genetic value of an animal that will be passed onto progeny.
Genotyping: Reading the DNA which is just a bunch of ACTGs and doesn’t mean much to anyone until further analysis.
Genotype: The genetic code for a particular trait.
Phenotype: A measurement or score of an animal that is the result of its genes and conditions during its life.
Estimated Breeding Value (EBV): An estimate of an animal’s true breeding value.
Genomic Breeding Value (GBV): The genomic equivalent of an EBV where DNA is used to estimate the true genetic merit of potential breeding animals.
Body Condition Score (BCS): A score indicating the condition of an animal ranging from 1 (poor) to 5 (fat).
DNA (Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid): The main constituent of chromosomes carrying genetic information (i.e., the ACTGs).
Median: The midpoint where half the animals are higher, and half the animals are lower.
Puberty: A time when heifers can cycle, become pregnant and rear a calf. Typically, this occurs at 60-70% of mature liveweight.
P4M: Pregnant within 4 months of calving in wet cows. Therefore, you cannot have a P4M for a cow that loses its calf. P4M enables a cow to wean a calf in consecutive years.
Quintile: One division of 5 equal groups. The lowest 20% is the lowest quintile; the highest 20% is the top quintile.
Percentile: One division of 100 equal groups. The lowest 1% is the lowest percentile; the highest 100% is the top quintile.
Heterozygosity: A measure of the genetic variation within individuals in a population. Can be an indication of hybrid vigour.
Heterozygous: Two different versions of the same gene. E.g. HPc for Horn-Poll indicates the animal carries both the horn and poll gene.
Homozygous: Two of the same versions of a gene. E.g. HH for Horn-Poll indicating the animal can only pass on the horn gene, or PcPc where the animal can only pass on the poll gene.
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